Posts tagged: science

Science & God

The spiritual world has often been the target of claims of disillusionment and superstition. Many in the “scientific” community accuse the spiritualists to be too dogmatic and unreasonable. The reason behind this is that science is essentially too short-sighted to realize that there are possibilities and realities that lie outside the scope of human intellect; that there are things in this world that cannot possible be mapped through the analytical and questioning methods that scientists use to prove their theories.

Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein

Albert Einstein


Through the years, a mathematical equation has been considered as an irrefutable proof to any assumption, corollary or idea suggested by scientists. The reason for this being that a correct mathematical proof is truly beyond the scope of doubt. Scientists often argue the existence of God as they are unable to map Him and prove Him mathematically. Thus the scientific community in one voice strikes down any and everything that they perceive to be in the realm of religion, spirituality or mysticism.

Point of the matter is that owing to this trend, the scientific community in a way distances itself considerably from the knowledge that it could gain through embracing these different schools of thought. Albert Einstein once said that all religions, arts and sciences are different branches of the same tree; that all in the end point to one single common truth that is irrefutable and beyond the scope of doubt. Essentially, this is the truth that spiritualists refer to as God. God in true spirituality is manifested as nothing but the integral of all the energy in the universe. The entire cosmic energy flux which constitutes within itself infinite parallel universes with countless organisms is what constitutes the phenomenon of God. The living and the dead; the animate and the inanimate; all matter which in the end is resolved into pure energy; that energy itself is God. Hence when the spiritualists say that God is there in every one of us, they mean it in every single way; for we of our own accord are also parts of the cosmic energy flux. The only difference being that some of us are polarized compared to others and hence are more receptive of God’s cognition.

Thus to represent God in the language of mathematics would be to represent the “ever-variable, non-static phenomenon of the cosmic energy flux” in terms of numbers. Mathematics is a branch of science that essentially deals with the finiteness of things. Mathematical equations constitute some variables and some constants. Therefore to simply express God in mathematical equations would mean that scientists would have to localize and limit the infinite cosmic energy flux in order to get an overview of what God would truly looks like. They would have to fit the limitless phenomenon in the scope of their mind’s windows so that they could understand it and peruse it; finally taking a few steps towards proving it.

But then how different would they be from the religious leaders that preach a singular way of life to lead towards God. The answer is that they are no different. Scientists in themselves are following a religion; the religion of science through which they ultimately hope to decipher and demystify all the questions in the universe. They refuse to call it God for they on their part are dedicated to their religion as any other religious clergy. No religion accepts the deity of a fellow religion to be real. That is just not the way.

Hence we come back to the words of the great physicist Albert Einstein, wherein he states that all religions, arts and sciences are but branches of the same tree. We have to realize that in the end, they all are ways to understand God; some of them take you tantalizingly close to Him; and some of them prefer to engulf your intellect in illusions of grandeur. Whatever they may be, a spiritualist is a person who in the end cognizes that these branches are only a means to get to the final end; that they are only the ways to imbibe in himself the final expression of undefined divinity; the sum integral of all the cosmic forces; the phenomenal enigma of God.

Images: top-right: Albert Einstein, physicist;

also see: Realization and Enlightenment

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The Human Mind

The human mind is one of the most highly regarded and misunderstood phenomena in the whole world. Every day we see thousands of people around us swear by the power that the human mind bestows upon them and the way it helps them shape their destiny, but rarely do they cognize the truth behind that simple word; rarely do people make an honest endeavor to realize the truth behind the human mind. What exactly is the human mind? Is it indeed so virtuous? The answers to those questions are hidden in the many intricate folds of human existence. Simply put the answers to those questions are hidden within the individual who asks them.

The human mind is nothing but a dissipation of energy, which takes place inside the human body. This dissipation of energy is the result of the duality that ultimately reigns supreme within every single individual on the face of this earth. People symbolize the two poles of this duality as being the ‘head’ and the ‘heart’. Through the ages, the head has been attributed the power of shrewd and calculating intellect, while the heart remains content with being attributed as emotive, caring and sacrificing. In the midst of these two metaphorical enigmas, the will of the discerning individual dies a slow death. What exactly is the human mind? The point of the question remains the same. As an individual lives through life, he realizes that he has a divided will pertaining to every single question that is asked of him. He realizes that the duality within himself endures beyond time and if he does not surpass it with the sheer force of his will, it will lead him to his doom. The duality which reigns supreme in every single human being is essentially a dissipation of energy that takes place owing to a person’s will being diverted between the instinct and the intellect. The instinct which always relates itself to the baser and more primal facet of human existence constantly relishes at the prospect of gratification. On the other hand, the intellect is an entity that is solely developed through the lessons that man learns through the many different experiences that he undergoes in this world. The intellect in turn is directed towards an entirely different motive; that of self-preservation and self-enrichment. The differences between the motives that represent the two entities of instinct and intellect are subtle; but in the end they matter a lot.

In the duality that is created within the human being owing to the difference of motive and the difference of purpose that always exists between his instinct and his intellect, he can never rise above his limitations. Consequently he always remains impaired by the many weaknesses that rise as a result of this dissipation of energy. In the turmoil that thus rages within him, man loses both the motivation and the will power to remain pro-active in this world. Thus the human mind remains the single greatest weakness of a human being that on its own accord, keeps him from achieving greatness.

A simply example of the energy dissipation that takes place on account of unneeded thoughts can be demonstrated by simply observing oneself as one progresses through the day. In time an individual will realize that his breathing rate varies with the rate at which he thinks. The more an individual thinks, the faster he breathes. This is owing to the dissipation of energy that takes place in the thoughts that emit from the human mind. The breathing rate of an individual increases in order to produce the excess energy that is needed to create those thoughts.

Thus, unneeded thoughts only end up making an individual more weak in his will as they seep away the motivational energy that is instrumental in remaining pro-active in this world. Thus the fact that any individual must always bear in mind is that he should always be a dispassionate observer of his thoughts. He should always be aware of the source from whence those thoughts spur. He should be always aware of the motivation that goes behind every single thought-thread. Through that awareness, the needless thoughts will gradually cease existing and the individual will then transgress to the stage where his mind won’t be a deterrent to a productive and creative way of life…

P.S. The human mind can be further disintegrated into various facets and entities that influence its creation; but that would be pointless in itself as it would lead you nowhere…:) That is the perpetual bane that is laid upon philosophy…lol

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