Posts tagged: god

Episode 7: Love and God

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In the seventh episode of The Mysteries of Life, we cap off the dissertation on love and relationships by taking a deep plunge into the seas of divine romance. We often see parallels drawn between love and God. Conversely we often see God being mentioned as a hurdle in the path of love. Today we resolve that debate once and for all as we equate the two in a single simplified epistle of enlightenment. Love God and he shall love thee back. Love God and you shall have no other cares.. love god and be free…forever…

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Episode 3: Beyond Realization

Throughout his spiritual journey, the seeker and the skeptic alike are faced with one question. What lies at the end of the spiritual quest? What does the seeker gain upon gaining realization? What is the final frontier in the journey of life that a spiritualist spans in this world? The aforementioned questions have varied answers. They differ according to the singular path of every individual seeker. However there is one reality, one truth and one consciousness that is common to all ends. Today we elaborate and elucidate on that one thing that lies beyond the journey of realization…

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Realization & God

‘God’; this single word brings to our minds a myriad of visuals. The moment we hear that word, we on our own accord try and visualize how God would look like; how he would speak like; how indeed would he think like. God has indeed been the most researched and the most misunderstood phenomenon in history. I use the word researched, for indeed there have been individuals who have been besotted with the enigmatic persona of divine power that is God. Men have often spent lives on end, trying to decipher God, trying to understand him, trying in vain to prove him. However, the only thing that they could accomplish was to realize him.

Realization is like a flash of brilliance in the darkness of the human mind. It is a flash that takes place with instantaneous cognition of the whole; simply put, you just know it all; however that does not necessarily mean that you understand it. There is a big difference between knowing something and understanding something; and realization comes in the realm of knowing things. Realization is ultimately centered on knowing things through experience. It is like tasting honey and then recommending it to others. All you can do is you can tell them that it is sweet; but beyond that you cannot prove the reason as to why it is so; the reason as to why it is so good. However a man of knowledge would aptly describe the sweetness of honey as being derived from sucrose irrespective of the possibility that he might not have even tasted it beforehand. Thus knowledge can impress someone, while realization merely expresses. To each, his own, but impressions can hardly capture within themselves the divine sweetness of life.

Thus we come to expressing God. When God is merely expressed, he is expressed as a personification of an all pervading divine power that acts in goodness; and that is the way that we should behold him; for indeed that is the only way in which we are capable of seeing him. If I were to impress upon you the true nature of God; his true form as is derived from the path of knowledge, it would hardly be of any use. The human intellect can only store within itself a finite amount of information. Mathematics can tell you the story of finiteness; of numbers. To impress upon that puny, finite intellect, the true nature of God, would be impossible, for it is indeed something that is purely infinite; and hence beyond the scope of impression.

But still to put in simply, one would say that God is nothing but the sum integral of all the energy in the cosmos. The consciousness that drives the great universe; the relativity which reigns supreme on the entire cosmic dream; the underwritten law that governs every single act of occurrence in the universe; all that put together and more in the end constitute God. God is a phenomenon that has no beginning and has no end; hence to know it, one would himself have to be like God; to be as large as God; as magnanimous as God; as universal as God; as endearing as God; as merciful as God; as loving as God. Only then would the human being realize that which is infinite; by breaking out of the human chains of finiteness; by breaking out of the human bonds of desire and weakness, finally cognizing and realizing the self to be but a expression of mirth; an expression of God. Then will the human being know God, and only then will he be able to suitable impress upon himself the true image of God; for then he would be the mystery himself and then there would be no mystery anymore.

“When we know what God is, we shall be Gods, ourselves”, George Bernard Shaw once said. However, you can only know God, by realizing him first. Thus today must we make a bid, to not try and know Him; to not try and understand Him; to not try and prove Him. Today we must simply try and worship Him; try and devote ourselves to Him; try and go beyond ourselves to search for Him; for in that way, we shall truly realize Him.

May we all taste that divine nectar one day…thus I pray…

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Science & God

The spiritual world has often been the target of claims of disillusionment and superstition. Many in the “scientific” community accuse the spiritualists to be too dogmatic and unreasonable. The reason behind this is that science is essentially too short-sighted to realize that there are possibilities and realities that lie outside the scope of human intellect; that there are things in this world that cannot possible be mapped through the analytical and questioning methods that scientists use to prove their theories.

Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein

Albert Einstein


Through the years, a mathematical equation has been considered as an irrefutable proof to any assumption, corollary or idea suggested by scientists. The reason for this being that a correct mathematical proof is truly beyond the scope of doubt. Scientists often argue the existence of God as they are unable to map Him and prove Him mathematically. Thus the scientific community in one voice strikes down any and everything that they perceive to be in the realm of religion, spirituality or mysticism.

Point of the matter is that owing to this trend, the scientific community in a way distances itself considerably from the knowledge that it could gain through embracing these different schools of thought. Albert Einstein once said that all religions, arts and sciences are different branches of the same tree; that all in the end point to one single common truth that is irrefutable and beyond the scope of doubt. Essentially, this is the truth that spiritualists refer to as God. God in true spirituality is manifested as nothing but the integral of all the energy in the universe. The entire cosmic energy flux which constitutes within itself infinite parallel universes with countless organisms is what constitutes the phenomenon of God. The living and the dead; the animate and the inanimate; all matter which in the end is resolved into pure energy; that energy itself is God. Hence when the spiritualists say that God is there in every one of us, they mean it in every single way; for we of our own accord are also parts of the cosmic energy flux. The only difference being that some of us are polarized compared to others and hence are more receptive of God’s cognition.

Thus to represent God in the language of mathematics would be to represent the “ever-variable, non-static phenomenon of the cosmic energy flux” in terms of numbers. Mathematics is a branch of science that essentially deals with the finiteness of things. Mathematical equations constitute some variables and some constants. Therefore to simply express God in mathematical equations would mean that scientists would have to localize and limit the infinite cosmic energy flux in order to get an overview of what God would truly looks like. They would have to fit the limitless phenomenon in the scope of their mind’s windows so that they could understand it and peruse it; finally taking a few steps towards proving it.

But then how different would they be from the religious leaders that preach a singular way of life to lead towards God. The answer is that they are no different. Scientists in themselves are following a religion; the religion of science through which they ultimately hope to decipher and demystify all the questions in the universe. They refuse to call it God for they on their part are dedicated to their religion as any other religious clergy. No religion accepts the deity of a fellow religion to be real. That is just not the way.

Hence we come back to the words of the great physicist Albert Einstein, wherein he states that all religions, arts and sciences are but branches of the same tree. We have to realize that in the end, they all are ways to understand God; some of them take you tantalizingly close to Him; and some of them prefer to engulf your intellect in illusions of grandeur. Whatever they may be, a spiritualist is a person who in the end cognizes that these branches are only a means to get to the final end; that they are only the ways to imbibe in himself the final expression of undefined divinity; the sum integral of all the cosmic forces; the phenomenal enigma of God.

Images: top-right: Albert Einstein, physicist;

also see: Realization and Enlightenment

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