Enlightenment and Realization

Spiritualists are often criticized by scientists for what they consider to be a misappropriation of the term “energy”. According to most critics, the word “energy” is used by spiritualists to give their fantastical theories a rational meaning. Many scientists truly feel that energy in the esoteric (enlightened) sense of the term is something that just does not exist.

Enlightenment and RealizationEnlightenment and Realization

Enlightenment and Realization


To put it bluntly, it would suffice to say that any spiritualist would only go so far in his quest to make a cynic understand the logic and reasoning behind his faith. In the end, the cynic would always have his way for there will always be some questions that shall remain unanswered. There shall always be some mysteries that shall remain unsolved. The most ignorant of fools can still ask infinitely more questions than the wisest of the wise can answer; and to a cynic, who essentially does not desire knowledge, the answers shall never seem fulfilling.

Point of the matter is that knowledge is nothing but energy. It acts and behaves like energy and is subject to the laws of conservation of energy that apply each and everywhere in the universe. Scientists might find this claim to be somewhat fantastic, but the fact remains, that to acquire knowledge from a specific source, the seeker who himself is inherently at a lower potential needs to be attuned with the source, which is always at a higher potential. Thus the laws of enlightenment are no different from the laws of physics. The particle to be enlightened has to be present within the energy field of the source. Enlightenment and realization are much like induction. When a nail is kept in the electric field of a copper coil, it gets magnetized through induction. Same is the case with the seeker, who remains in the illustrious company of his master. The master induces realization within the seeker through the sheer power of the energy field that is generated within his aura. Thus with time, the seeker gets enlightened and now starts to generate a magnetic field of his own; a field that is interspersed with the energy that flows through the aura of the realized soul.

However enlightenment and realization are terms that are in themselves widely misappropriated by many. Realization is a state of being. It is not something that can be acquired and then left to its designs. Just like the nail that has been magnetized through induction loses its magnetic capabilities after a while, a seeker that falls out of communion with his master, loses the enlightenment that is ordained unto him. Thus the relationship between the master and the seeker bears paramount importance in the spiritual path. For in the end, the master is the source of all the knowledge; the source of all the energy; and the seeker is much like a carrier of that energy. Thus any spiritual aspirant, if he is to progress on the spiritual path, must always bear in mind, that no matter how powerful and enlightened he becomes, in the end, he shall lose all of that, if he remains not attuned to his master. The master in turn is nothing but an expression of the energy that flows through the cosmos and hence is complete within himself. All his desires and all his efforts are always centered towards inducing enlightenment and realization in the seeker. More on this in the next article…:)

also see: Science and God.

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