Satsang: The Second Season

Illustrations: Radha, Boris, Jinx

In the second season of the Satsang series here on The Last Pilgrimage Weblog, we start it when we last left off. In the soulful and serene oratory fashion of Rutugandha, we bring you these offsprings of knowledge and realization. Come sit under this tree of spiritual endowment and here you shall find the answers to all the questions that plague your soul. Find lasting peace and unconditional happiness within yourself. Here you shall realize that true greatness and true satisfaction lie not outside but within yourself. The journey towards evolution continues…

Satsang: The Second Season is a series of audio epistles in Marathi which shall be published every Thursday as an episodic series.

Chapter 4: The Spiritual Journey.
In the fourth episode of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of the true nature of the spiritual path. The world often has varied misconceptions pertaining to spirituality. Spirituality at times has also been portrayed in a bad light owing to the antics of certain individuals. However in this episode of the Satsang series, the master clearly elucidates on what true spirituality is all about. Is spirituality simply a recourse to go to when you encounter failure in life? Is spirituality the last haven for perpetual losers? or is it a shining path that leads to immortality? In the following audio snippet, the provides the answers to all these questions and many more…listen now!

Chapter 3: Satisfaction
In the third chapter of the second season of Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of satisfaction and success. We often equate satisfaction with success, for somewhere in our hearts, we hope that satisfaction would follow any sort of success that we may reap in this world. However our expectations and our hopes are brutally crushed, when we find the truth; that success has indeed little to do with satisfaction. In the end, it all depends on how one chooses to look at it. For some success might translate into satisfaction while for other being satisfied in itself means success. In the following audio snippet, the master sheds light on these matters…listen now!

Chapter 2: Kindness
In the second chapter of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of kindness. Kindness is a genuine feeling of empathy and brotherhood that we bear in our heart for those around us. Kindness enables us to help out those who are less fortunate than us. In turn kindness also helps us in our times of need, when we desperately need someone for support. Thus kindness in itself is a rewarding habit…listen now!

Chapter 1: The Lost Innocence
In the first chapter of the second season of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of innocence. He relates the way in which each human being evolves in this world. Born as a virginal child, how every single individual ends up turning into a spiteful human being. Where do we lose that innocence? Why do we lose it? How can we gain that happiness once again? How can we reclaim our lost spiritual virginity? In the following audio snippet, we answer all these questions and many more…listen now!

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