Posts tagged: human

Me, Me, Me !

Human beings are characterized by their superior intelligence and developed discerning capabilities. Many times, the aforementioned attributes define us as humans. Those attributes are what truly separate us from animals. Through time, it has often been said that man is a social animal. What we deduce from the aforementioned dictum is that man is an animal that has learned to adapt and adopt a symbiotic way of life. Simply put, man has learned how to live in a group; he has learned how to thrive in such environments. Above all, through the spectacular journey of evolution, man has learned how to be more pro-active.

Even though man is considered far more evolved than any other physical living being on the face of this earth, the fact remains, that his instinctive ties are strong and untouched. Instinct is essentially something that is entrenched deep in the roots of physical existence. It is like a program that is preloaded into the hard drive, once when the soul takes a physical form. Hence all who are trapped in this recursive way of life, have strong instinctive ties with their physical existence.

Instinct is all about the self. It is all about self-satiation and self-gratification. Think of it as an unrequited and perpetually unfulfilled state of hunger. No matter how much you feed it, you will still be hungry. That is precisely the reason as to why every single individual on the face of this earth is ultimately a self-centered one. Upon reading this dissertation, many would be outraged at the fact that I refer to them as self-centered; but upon keen self-introspection, they will realize that it is indeed so.

Each and every action that we perform in this world; in one way or the other is directed towards the enrichment and gratification of our own ‘self’. The reason as to why I quote the word ‘self’ in this sentence is that I want you to keenly introspect it as a separate entity. Upon doing so, you will realize the truth. It is always all about “what I want” and “what would make me happy”. Even when we love someone, we do so owing to the fact that the said person makes us happy. That person cares about us and we have this incredible delusion that the said person would never ever hurt us. In the end, it is all about us…it is all about the ‘self’.

What true spirituality essentially teaches us is how to rise above the ‘self’. It teaches us an entirely new way of life, wherein our actions are not centered towards self-gratification and self-satiation, but around selfless benevolence. It teaches us a way in which we can discover and realize the ‘Christ’ within ourselves. Ultimately, the spiritual journey takes us through the advanced stages of evolution, wherein the ties that bind us to our physical existence are severed. Through sheer intuitive cognizance and through a heart that has within itself naught a single shred of regret, yearning or unrequitedness, we can attain this superior stage of spiritual evolution.

However, it is often easier said than done. Moving through the paces of life, we indeed find it hard to be benevolent. In our worldly life, we often need to make harsh decision to progress and achieve success. The sheer toil that the worldly life puts us through, makes it very hard for us to be selfless and benevolent in life. However, if we make a genuine effort to rise above our instincts that inherently make us human, we would indeed find that we are embellished with a great sense of peace, satisfaction and ecstasy. It is only then that we would realize, that even sacrifice carries within itself great bliss…

That would indeed be the greatest achievement ever…

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The Other Side of Me

A human being is a complex organism. There are several facets and multiple undercurrents to his personality. This is essentially owing to the fact that the human being has evolved from countless incarnations of life and death. This evolution not only constitutes the physical process, but the spiritual one as well. As the human being evolves through time, with every single incarnation, he starts acquiring some specific traits which are native to the human existence. The human existence which is inherently bipolar in its very essence thus embellishes the spirit with its characteristic traits that in the end constitute the personality of the human being.

04-Apr-2009 17:57, Canon Canon PowerShot A530, 2.6, 5.8mm, 0.05 sec


The reason why I so humbly state the abject bipolarity of the human existence is owing to the fact that every human being has very diverse desires in his life. On one hand he is always bound to his instincts and his impulses. On the other hand, he always feels that he needs to seek a more loftier purpsoe in life than aimless fornications. Thus at the same time, there are parallel streams of desire that run in a human being. He wants the both the extremes with great passion and thus many times, this creates a paradox within his personality, wherein he is plagued by these diametrically opposite desires.

Now the human being, upon discovering the aforementioned fact realizes that essentially, the world would not accept him for who he is. Though he is aware of the fact that every single human being in this world is a two-faced, bipolar parasite; he is afraid to show that indeed he himself is one. This further leads him to categorically deny one facet of his split personality. What this means is that he just starts to ignore a side of himself. He may secretly indulge in it periodically, but he is never ready to accept it as a part of his own persona.

Acceptance is crucial for any change. Man can never change unless and until he accepts reality completely. He has to do so with no shed of regret, shame or despondency. Acceptance is the first step towards recovery. This is essentially where the true spiritualist comes into the picture. A true spiritualist is always aware of all the facets of his personality. He knows that they are a part of him and that he cannot simply deny it. At the same time, he is aware of his own shortcomings. He knows what part of his personality is creative and what part is not. Thus upon accepting himself with no shed of regret, shame or sadness, he then makes every possible attempt to ensure that he acts in a way that is ultimately producitve and creative. He ensure that his acts are always in the greater good of himself and those around him.

The aforementioned stage of spiritual evolution is quite hard to accomplish in one’s life. Most individuals often crack under pressure and expose themselves to the hypocritic society. This form of confessionary social suicide accomplishes nothing in the way of overall progress and satisfaction (*cough* Tiger Woods *cough*). Thus the point to realize is that the world need not see your real face. It is important that you see it for yourself. For once you see it and realize your complete self; efforts can be made to progress effectively. Thus in this way you would be able to enrich that part of yourself which is creative, productive and divine; while shedding of the part that is essentially self-centered, conspiratory and humane…

“The way to be free is to realize the other side of me…”

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