Posts tagged: explanation

Intuition Unveiled

Since the beginning of man’s evolution, he has always sought an answer to life’s multitude questions. Man first makes assumptions, then experiments and finally realizes the truth. Through the course of time, the source through which man obtains all his knowledge has always been veiled. Even a single thought, which spurs from the mind, is the trigger for a discovery that forever changes the world. Through the years, man has always sought knowledge from the world outside. Through the annals of time, man has consistently chosen to overlook the abundant spring of knowledge that rests within him. Throughout history man has always chosen to overlook his Intuition. Intuition thus stands to be one of the most widely under-rated phenomena in the world. To completely appreciate and understand the aforementioned fact, one would first have to understand what intuition truly means.

Intuition (in-tuition) is simply nothing but the knowledge that comes from within. It is the tutelage that spurs from within a person. It is the direct expression of knowledge that does not require human perception to translate into cognizance. Simply put, you just know…there is no process to knowing it, but you just know. It is like remembering all of a sudden that you have some money stowed away in the last drawer of your dresser; the only thing is that you don’t remember putting it there. Intuition is that simple. The reason why scientists do not accept intuition to be fact is that they don’t realize that one can simply arrive at a result without going through the process of deduction. They cannot accept the possibility that man could, in one moment, simply ‘realize’ the truth without going through the process of assumption and experimentation. Yet the fact that ‘scientists’ don’t consider intuition to be ‘rational’ should in no way undermine the potency of the knowledge that it yields to the seeker; for even though, you may not remember putting the money in the dresser, you sure are delighted when you find it there. Simply put, if the results are there, the practical thing to do is to employ them to your needs.

Intuition is indeed the most potent source of knowledge for it can yield the seeker knowledge worth thousands of years of study in a single moment. This becomes possible owing to the fact that man himself is an estranged part of God; that man himself is a part of the entire cosmic dream; the fact that man himself is imbibed with the same energy that constitutes the universe. In a way, the universe exists within a man as the man exists within the universe. Hence all knowledge can indeed be derived from the self and therefore self-realization remains the most direct way to cognize, realize and indeed know all that there is to the world. Know thy-self and you know the world; intuition only serves as the vehicle that brings to the seeker this energy in the form of knowledge.

Once a seeker walks extensively on the spiritual path under the able guidance of a realized master, he starts to get intuitive glimpses of cognizance that open to him a trove of knowledge and a wealth of experience. It yields the seeker knowledge about every single thing in the world; all sciences, arts, techniques and processes are laid bare in front of the seeker’s eyes. At one point, even the seeker starts to wonder as to how such a potent source of knowledge can rest within him. The answer to that question is the fact that in the end, all that he is doing is recollecting the information that he already has in his memory; the experience that is brought forth with thousands of incarnations that the soul goes through before it can be realized enough to intuitively cognize its own self. Thus the realized soul, simply remembers, and in a single moment is he endowed with cognition that bears him knowledge far beyond the scope of human intellect. That is enlightenment, for the intuitive cognizance itself sheds light on the entire universe as the darkest places are laid bare for the eyes to see.

That moment is the moment of enlightenment, and intuition on its own accord brings to the forth the cognizance of the supreme being within the self, and the realization of the self, within the supreme being. To get to the point of intuitive cognizance, a seeker needs to meditate on the silence within him; he needs to empty his mind of unnecessary thought; he needs to go into a repose where the mind simply stops generating thoughts on its own accord, for then consciousness would be aware of its intuitive capabilities. Paramount to all that, a seeker needs great devotion and unparalleled dedication towards his master, for only the master can endow him with the gift of intuition; the gift of knowledge and the gift of enlightenment…

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