Posts tagged: enlightenment

Art and Enlightenment

A person once said that any artwork is a series of lies that leads to a greater truth. The beauty of the aforementioned saying is in the fact that it is indeed true. Superlative art is always a vehicle that leads the individual to a higher plane than the one he inhabits. What this necessarily means that an art form inspires an individual to reach within himself and find a greater truth. It catapults the individual into an ecstatic stupor as it gives him a glimpse of true divinity thorugh itself. Or does it? In the recent times, we see that art is mostle reduced as a way to entertain oneself. Artist consider themselves to be mere entertainers. In reality, though, there is a big difference between an artist and an entertainer. Though many in today’s day and age fail to cognize the difference, it still remains an irrefutable fact that an artist is far above a mere entertainer in terms of divine association.

To elucidate that thought clearly, I would first have to shed light on the subtle differences that exist between an artist and an entertainer. An artist is necessarily one who worships an art-form; one who uses it as a means to achieve a greater purpose. Contrary to that an entertainer has but one agenda on his mind; to get a positive reaction from the audience. To achieve that, the entertainer usually does only that which please the audience, irrespective of the fact that it may indeed be indescribably stupid. The audience on their part are mostly comprised of individuals who are deluded themselves. Hence the art-form that an entertainer employs does nothing but evoke a reaction from a group of utterly befuddled individuals. Thus the fact of the matter remains that neither is the entertainer able to make a lasting positive impact on the lives of the audience; nor is the audience able to derive some substance through the mindless antics of the entertainer.

I have always believed in my self-written edict that Art serves its purpose in Enlightenment. The true artist has the capability to beautifully manipulate and employ any art-form to serve this benevolent purpose. He uses varied means to ensure that his art-form is not only entertaining but massively enlightening at the same time. Thus owing to these efforts he ends up creating something that is genuinely outstanding and worthy of immense accolades. He ends up creating something that proves to be worth the pain and sacrifice that he has to endure in the process of creation.

The real point of the matter is that any creatiive achievement is the result of great pain and sacrifice. It is only when an artist bleeds through his heart, that he can truly create something that leaves an indelible mark on the psyche of the audience. Thus any artist, when he creates something that is truly inspiring and enlightening at the same time, in a way does a great philanthropic service to human kind. In every way, that benevolent act makes all his pain and all his sacrifices seem worthwhile.

Ultimatley it is a personal choice for every artist to choose enlightenment over mindless entertainment. Some prefer the latter owing to the fact that it is a much easier thing to accomplish. Inducing enlightenment in others requires the art-form to have great power within itself. It takes a great amount of effort and intuitive cognizance coupled with unmatched skill and tenacity to weave a creation that can ignite the spark of realization in another individual.

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