Posts tagged: Audio

Chapter 1: “True Satsang”

29-Apr-2006 19:15, Canon Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL, 5.6, 55.0mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 100


In the maiden chapter of the Satsang series here on the tlp weblog, Rutugandha recounts the tale of the day when the master spoke of the importance of Satsang. In this audio epistle, he gives a beautiful rendition of the teachings of Shree Milindji Moghe as he sheds light on what true Satsang means. How can an individual practice true Satsang? What is its importance? How can he truly gain the grace of God? Listen the following audio snippet to find the answers.

P.S. The audio snippet is in Marathi interspersed with Hindi. We shall be providing you with the English transcript. Expect it on Wednesday.

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P.P.S. True Satsang- Article.


15-Dec-2009 00:52


Satsang is new series of audio epistles here on the tlp weblog. “Satsang” is a series of audio dissertations given by the revered master Shree Milndji Moghe & compiled and recited by Rutugandha.


Chapter 12: “Emotional Quotient”

In the season finale of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of emotional quotient and the effects that it has on a seeker’s spiritual growth. Man is always bound by his emotions; riding the waves of his impulses. When we take any decision solely based on our emotions, we end up making a grave mistake. How can we ensure that we can remain practical and object-oriented in life? At the same time, how can we make sure that we don’t turn into heartless machine? For the answers to all these questions and many more, listen to the following audio snippet…listen now!

Chapter 11: “Physical Quotient”

Our physical body represents us in our physical existence. The spiritual journey is a long and arduous one. We cannot hope to make it till the end, unless we are physically capable to do so. Our physical body has a great significance in our spiritual journey. In this penultimate episode of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day, when the master spoke of the importance of physical quotient in the overall spiritual growth of any seeker. What does physical quotient truly mean? Why is it so important to our spiritual journey? How can we increase it? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Chapter 10: “Intelligence Quotient”

Many times we hear the word intelligent quotient used in the sense of intellectual benchmarking. There are many tests out there that help determine a person’s IQ. The fact that they come nowhere close to determining his true intelligence is an entirely different issue. Point of the matter is that it is indeed very hard to determine an individual’s intelligence based on some tests. It is even harder to state what intelligence truly means. In this episode of the Satsang series Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of true intelligence and ways in which it is conducive to our spiritual growth…listen now!

Chapter 9: “Spiritual Quotient”

In the ninth chapter of the Satsang series Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of an individual’s spiritual quotient. Often times, our ability to stay contented and happy in life depends on our spiritual quotient. But what is the spiritual quotient comprised of? How can we develop our spiritual quotient? What are the advantages of a high spiritual quotient? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Chapter 8: “Prudence”

In the following audio epistle, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of the importance of prudence in daily life. Prudence essentially means discretion in practical situations. In this worldly life, one has to choose his battles wisely. He has to fight in places where he knows that he can win; and try and elude the traps wherein he knows that he cannot hope to win. In the worldly rat race, prudence is indeed a great factor that determines whether an individual becomes successful or not. How can we effectively implement such prudence in our daily life? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Chapter 7: “Action and Reaction”
Our life is often comprised of endless streaks of action and reaction. Incidentally, most of human karma takes place owing to the incessant need to give a reaction to every action that comes our way. In the seventh chapter of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day, when the master spoke of this destructive karmic cycle. Shree Milindji Moghe also elucidates on the ways in which we can get out of this incessant streak of action and reaction…listen now!

Chapter 6: “The Ideal Lifestyle”
In the sixth chapter of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of ways in which a seeker can lead the ideal lifestyle. The human life is often an intermingled journey that traverses both the spiritual and the mundane worlds. Many times the seeker can get deluded between the diametric polarities of these two factors. However there are some simple things that the seeker can implement in his life to make it all the more easier for him to walk on the spiritual path. In the following audio epistle Rutugandha elucidates on these epistles…listen now.

Chapter 5: “Stress and Boredom”
In today’s world when an individual hardly gets any time for recreation and rejuvenation, stress and boredom pose a great problem. In this chapter Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of worldly stress and ways to overcome boredom. What is boredom? Why does it set it? How can one truly overcome it?…listen now.

Chapter 4: “Productivity”

The common perception of any spiritual person is that he is non-productive. This delusional perception leads people to believe that spirituality essentially turns people into non-achievers. However this is not the case. In this chapter of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recalls the day when the master spoke of the importance of productivity in the spiritual journey of any seeker…listen now!

Chapter 3: “Life and Karma

In the third chapter of the Satsang series of audio epistles, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of the correct way to live, in the process giving overview of the connection that exists between human life and human karma. In the following epistle, Rutugandha narrates the compiled dissertation of Shree Milindji Moghe as he elucidates and elaborates on this key concept…listen now!

Chapter 2: “True Bhaava”

In the second chapter of the Satsang series of audio epistles, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of true bhaava. Bhaava or feeling is one of the most important factors in the spiritual growth of any seeker. In the following epistle, Rutugandha narrates the compiled dissertation of Shree Milindji Moghe as he elucidates and elaborates on this key concept…listen now

Chapter 1: “True Satsang”

In the maiden chapter of the Satsang series here on the tlp weblog, Rutugandha recounts the tale of when the day when the master spoke of the importance of Satsang. In this audio epistle, he gives a beautiful rendition of the teachings of Shree Milindji Moghe as he sheds light on what true Satsang means. How can an individual practice true Satsang? What is its importance? How can he truly gain the grace of God? Listen the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!


The Prisoner of Choice Chapter 11

Chapter 11- Absolution

In the final chapter of “The Prisoner of Choice” series, the story of St. Ramus comes to a scintillating climax as he perceives the true scope and the true purpose of all the trials and tribulations that he underwent. Ramus realizes that the only way out of the suffering is through the suffering; that the only way out of the redundant and recursive human existence is to live through it with a benevolent purpose. Thus does Ramus in this story, completely accept his choice as he moves a step closer towards final absolution…

Coming Soon; Reflections of the author on “The Prisoner of Choice” audio-book. Stay Tuned
The Prisoner of Choice audio-book series is produced by Silentium Productions Pvt. Ltd.

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“The Mysteries of Life”

In this series, we elucidate and elaborate upon the most fundamental topics concerning spirituality. We tackle subjects like devotion, desires and ego which are topics that spur an unceasing torrent of questions amongst fellow seeker. In the end, we cap off the season with an enlightening dissertation on true spirituality, wherein we shed light on the science of life as never before…

Season 1- The ‘not-so-sinister’ Mysteries of Life

Devotional Hymns of Shree Shankar Maharaj

1. “Rescue me O lord from the worldly seas” (nauka kinaryala lawa…)

In this devotional bhajan, the seeker praises the almighty as he asks to be rescued from the clutches of the recursive worldly existence. He describes the almighty as the root from which all illusory existence spurs. He praises his master who stands before him as an embodiment of divinity. He acknowledged the fact that it is the master who is the overlord of the entire cosmic dream and hence he pleads for His mercy, seeking eternal salvation. The power of devotion is so strong in the seeker that he ultimately sheds all the ties of self-identification and in one fell swoop, simply wishes naught but the grace of his divine master….

2. “In the piercing gaze of the master” (tya trishula samati…)

In this bhajan, the devotee describes the embodiment of divinity that his master represents. He describes the enigmatic and spell-binding image of Shree Shankar Maharaj as he rests in his supine pose simply looking at the seeker, in a moment disarming him of all his pretensions. The seeker describes the lord as being adorned with thousands of rudrakshas, each of which serves the purpose of reversing the process of energy decay that goes on perpetually in the universe (entropy). He also sings of the many divine acts accomplished by the Lord in his quest to lead the estranged seeker towards enlightenment and salvation. In the end, the seeker simply states, that one has to but prostrate himself humbly in front of the lord and all the ensuing riddles of human existence will be resolved in a second…

3. The Sacred Text of Kaalbhairava (kalbhairavashtaka…)

This sacred chant is an extremely powerful and potent tool which instant ablates all spiritual threats that pose a deterrent in the path of a seeker. This sacred chant, when appropriately administered results in creating a vibration field which effectively renders all negative energies defunct. Hear it on a daily basis.. It will surely work wonders in your life… 🙂

4. The song of the eternal morning dew (bhoopali…)

This sacred song is sung by a seeker to awaken God as he rests through the night. This song, usually sung at the break of dawn is a brilliant symbologial reference to the dormant state of divinity that lies in every individual. It is almost as if the seeker is exhorting the divine entity that rests within himself to rise up and with the divine light of devotion and wisdom, drive away the darkness of ignorance and doubt.. Its a wonderful thing to hear, to feel and to resonate with…:)

5. Ode to the Lord (Avadhoot Chintan…)

This sacred chant is an ode to the almighty who manifests in the form of Shree Sadguru Shankar Maharaj. The ode describes the great manifestation as the director of thousands of interspersed universes; king of kings; the greatest of all Yogis; giver of all boons and the final expression of undefined divinity that we call God… 🙂

6. The First Epistle (Amrut Vachan)

Shree Shankar Maharaj is credited with this spectacular epistle of enlightenment. In his own poetic rendition, Shree Shankar Maharaj in this epistle tells the seeker what He is all about. The epistle has been recreated in the inimitable voice of Rutugandha and trasngresses into a sacred hymn sung to please the great manifestation of power that is Shree Shankar Maharaj. A beautiful devotional hymn in itself, this audio snippet will surely leave you exhilarated and thoroughly satisfied…

7. The Self now rejoices (Ananda mana jahala)

In this devotional hymn, the seeker’s soul cries out in joy at having discovered the taste of divinity through devotion. The seeker is ecstatic and joyful beyond description and in this hymn, he forgoes all self-centered aspirations of worldly gain and asks the merciful lord for naught but one boon; that His love and benevolence may forever shower on the seeker…

8. The Master; who toils (Konasathi guru majha jhijto kiti…)

In this verse, we elaborate and elucidate on the wondrous relationship that exists between a master and an apprentice. We delve into the stories of Shree Shankar Maharaj himself who is always known to care for his disciples much like a mother cares for her children. The master in various forms and through many relationships always seeks to take the apprentice towards enlightenment and salvation. As a friend, as a father; and at times even as a servant, the master ensures that he never loses the sight of his beloved apprentice… Truly is the master more in servitude to the apprentice, contrary to the common perception…

9. Hail Thee O King of Kings (Shree Shankar Maharaja tumcha udo udo…)

In this spirited and exalting rendition of a seeker’s heart, we pay our homage to the great Shree Shankar Maharaj as we forever stand in awe of his greatness and palpable aura of divine existence that perseveres beyond the bonds of life and death… in the end, the seeker in his bid to sing of Maharaj’s enigmatic greatness; can in simple words say naught but this; Hail Thee of King of Kings…

10. Take me with thee; O Great Lord (Shankarbaba Hath Jodito)

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In this devotional hymn, the seeker beseeches the lord to grant him the entry into His Holy Kingdom. The seeker also humbly states that he perceives all his places of worship and places of pilgrimage at the feet of his great master. The seeker in complete dedication to the master also states that his sole wish is to be of servitude to the Lord in His quest to enlighten and salvage the human being from his own existence. The seeker also states that all he desires is to be besotted by the intoxicating mirth that he derives from his devotion; for the seeker realizes that through the power of devotion, he can break all illusory bonds of human existence…:)

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