“The Prisoner of Choice” Audio-book

Chapter 6- Spirited

In the following chapter, St. Ramus recounts his journey as he moves further closer to the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa. Every man on his way towards his realizing his destiny encounters many pitfalls and quagmires. All these in one way or the other contribute towards the final absolution of all the qualms that hamper the man in his quest. Ramus in this chapter recounts an incident that occurred on his journey across Africa. There were multiple obstacles blocking Ramus’ path. This is one of the many that he surmounted towards achieving the inevitable…listen now

Chapter 5- The Christ

As Ramus begins his journey southwards through the Sudanese Mountains, he starts to question his own destiny and the choices that he made to get to the point where he was. Ramus in his heart silently introspects the entire scope of his journey till date and stumps upon a surprising revelation. A revelation that in the end, leaves him inspired and invigorated in the path of his life. Who was the Christ? What was the Christ? Why was He the Christ? Ramus relates his own story in the following chapter…listen now

Chapter 4- Beyond the Body

The one quality of a saint that sets him apart from other humans is the trust that he places in God. The unconditional faith that endures beyond time is a trait that makes the saint persevere through calamities. How does this faith develop? Contrary to popular belief, a saint is not born with that trust. He develops that trust through devotion; devotion that he bears in his heart for the beloved Lord. It is this awe-inspiring power of devotion that imbibes in him an insurmountable sense of trust for his beloved God. The lord on his part tests the resolve of the devotee at every step of the way as the devotee on his part endures great pain and suffering in his path. Ramus was no exception to this rule. In this chapter, he in his own words, relates to us his story as he continues his journey through Africa…listen now!

Chapter 3- Salvager

This chapter of the story recounts the journey of young Ramus as he travels through Europe into Africa with the Salvager’s Army. In the chapter we experience the wondrous touch that God lends to the life of young Ramus wherein, he now starts acquiring an incessant need to be benevolent and selfless.. Eventually we realize that this is the first step that Ramus took; the first step of a long and ardous journey that finally led him to accomplish the divine motive that God sought in him…listen now.

Chapter 2. Wolfgang

In the Chapter 2 of this audio-book series, we expand upon the journey of St. Ramus as he relives through his troubled childhood and equally listless youth. In this part, we understand the intricate way in which God works to ensure that the seeker ends up on the path that is destined to him. Saints are made; they are not born; and this account relates the struggle of a man in his quest of a loftier existence…listen now!

Chapter 1. Genesis

Often we humans find it cumbersome to distinguish a saint from a sinner. Often in our lives we come across many virtuous people who epitomize the virtue of selfless benevolence. Conversely to them we also come across people who in every way are embellished and driven by self-centered desires. The former we may categorize as saints and the latter as humans. But in life, there are no clearly-drawn lines. A sinner of today may be a saint of tomorrow and a saint of today may in the end yet be a sinner…listen now!

“The Prisoner of Choice” by Ajinkya Mate is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely co-incidental and deeply regretted.

© 2009 Silentium Productions Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved

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