Being Human Part 3

…continued from Being Human Part 2
Why did the human being incessantly wallow in the pits of self-indulgence and self-gratification? Where did he truly lose the desire to progress on this path of the soul? Why did the human being so easily give up on his lofty quest?

These were the questions that were hounding me incessantly for days on end. I could not realize the reason as to why any individual would choose to forego the opportunity to be in a perpetual state of happiness and bliss for a few moments of frivolity; for a few moments of indulgence. The more I tried to fathom the reasons behind this undeniably unreasonable way of life, the more I came closer to the stark realization that in a way, the evolution of the soul through multiple incarnations had taken its toll. As the soul progresses through the many stages of evolution, enriching itself and consequently settling of unrequited karma, it also acquires many tastes along the way. The physical existence which is invariably forced on the soul, in its journey of evolution leaves its traces on the soul; thus rendering it more and more gullible to the illusory traps that exist in the world of physical existence.

The human body is a marvelous creation. It has enabled the human being to not only be superior to his primitives and his contemporaries; but it has also enabled the human being to completely cherish and enjoy the many colorful desires that constitute the physical existence. Man is the only creature who can boast of equal achievements in both matters pertaining to instinctive indulgence and intellectual achievement. The evolution of man has enabled him to exercise his right of superiority in nature.

However, this process has come with a deathly price. Owing to the wide range of activities and pursuits that a human being can actively indulge in, his life has been slowly reduced to a bipolar existence; an existence wherein he can neither be definitively good or bad; an existence where his energies and his desires are always engulfed in a choice pertaining to one thing. “to be or not to be”. This question hounds every single human being at the bottom of his heart. Every single human being in his heart has an irrepressible urge to be human; to be primal and to indulge incessantly in the gratification of his senses. At the same time his intellect which is to an extent influenced by his still-dormant intuition; vaguely protests for it sees this incessant indulgence as nothing but a waste of time. Yet the roots of human existence, which are firmly entrenched in desire hardly give way to any coercion on part of the intellect. The primal need to satiate the desires rises up like a viper uncoiling itself and strikes down on any and all resistance that is provided by the intellect…

… Indulgence in the end feels like a reprieve from the incessant burning sensation that accompanies an unrequited desire…

In this recursive and redundant way of life, the soul ceaselessly endures the bipolarity of this human existence wherein the desires remain rooted in the instincts and the aspirations in the intellect. In this duality, the intuition which in reality is the truest expression of the soul, loses all sense of existence and is coerced and cajoled into a deep slumber from whence it seldom rises. Thus the human being embroiled in the shady mists of his own choices trudges on in the journey of life unaware as to where it would lead him for his intuition, which in reality is the expression of his true purpose, forever remains a mystery to him.

Thus is the human existence both blessed and cursed; it is the final stage of physical evolution; an existence with endless possibilities and an existence which is hounded by a million illusions.

So today, the question that we must ceaselessly ask ourselves is “Am I truly making an effort to evolve? Are my energies being pro-actively directed towards progression? Am I being creative and productive? Or am I simply being human?”…

…the answers I shall leave to you… 🙂

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  • By suvarna kunnur, November 4, 2009 @ 1:17 pm

    so true we are constantly faced with the to be or not to be question and we choose the easy way out….giving way to temptations of all our senses ,seeking momentary fulfilment instead of permanent and everlasting release from the cycle of birth and rebirth…is it our choices or our karmas revisited that pull us back why are we unable to rise out of these pitfalls…bipolarity and or the mask that we wear holding us back…creating bad karmas again ….this piece written or voiced aloud is very though evoking….thank you and awaiting further guidance

  • By admin, November 4, 2009 @ 4:07 pm

    actually it is both.. the combined pull of both the desires and karmas keep a soul firmly rooted in the unending cycle of death and rebirth. Desire spur from the instincts and in a bid to fulfill those desires, man forms karmic liaisons ; when they remain unrequited and unfulfilled, that creates another karmic chapter in his name.

  • By suvarna kunnur, November 4, 2009 @ 1:19 pm

    also want to state that the art accompanying this article and the other one on emotions is so expressive actually that one can see the article in the art

  • By Umesh, October 17, 2012 @ 4:22 pm

    Rightly said in the article bu admin. this article described the complex facts of human existence in direct and quite simple manner.

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