Emotions Reloaded

As we have already seen, it is very important for an individual to attain balance between his head and heart. Being a human being, it is impossible to be completely devoid of emotions, but one should take care that he doesn’t get carried away in the flow of emotions. Basically we should know that the bhaava(feeling) is important and not the bhaavna(emotion). Emotion is nothing but an amplified sense of feeling which necessarily gets out of practical bounds as the human ego is incessantly involved in it. When the human ego is involved in any feeling that is expressed by the soul, the human being through the sheer power of the energy that flows through him ends up amplifying that feeling as the ego starts to self-identify with the newly-formed emotion (bhaavna). In the end an individual has to realize that bhaav-na essentially means no-bhaav. This happens as the individual’s own sense of self-identification and his own sense of overbearing self-gratification that is brought in by the virtue of the ego starts to overpower the original sense of bhaava (feeling). In the end all that remains is the emotion which is nothing but a manifestation of an individual’s own ego.

Love, respect, gratitude are some of the very pure bhaava(s) that all human beings experience in their lives invariably. These sensations should forever remain as bhaava(s) as they remain pure and eternal till the very end. Even if the human ego for once, self-identifies itself with any of these bhaava(s) , it slowly mutilates the pure and untouched feeling into an unbounded emotion that only increases the sense of unrequitedness and incompleteness in any individual. This necessarily happens as in the bhaavna, various extra-sensory aspects get associated with the bhaava. When a person with a certain bhaava becomes self-centered, he expects a certain behavior in turn from the person for whom he has the feeling. He ends up becoming more and more possessive about the sentiment that spurs from the aforementioned emotion; and thus the bhaava becomes adulterated and is transformed beyond all recognition.

So one should always realize that it is not a crime to have emotions; but simply letting yourself be carried away in the flow of the torrential emotions without taking into consideration the actual facts can prove detrimental to an individual. No doubt an individual gets immense pleasure being emotional but in the end he has to realize the facts for what they are. Uncontrolled sentiments and emotions surely lead to agonies and demotions…

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  • By Prajakta, November 4, 2009 @ 7:52 pm

    How should one control oneself from getting carried away in the flow of emotions?

  • By admin, November 4, 2009 @ 9:21 pm

    one should always be dispassionate while making crucial decisions. One should with a calm and collected mind enumerate all the pros and cons of any action, before committing to it. Emotions make us passionate and hence we cannot think objectively in life. The main thing to realize is that your emotions should never dictate your course of action…:)

  • By Prajakta, November 5, 2009 @ 4:12 pm

    Thanks a lot.

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