Prudence in daily life

Many people accuse spirituality to be too idealistic and impractical in nature. Many feel that spirituality is essentially something that leads man away from the “real” thing in life; that it teaches an escapist way of life wherein the human being is not expected to stay pro-active at all. This deluded perception essentially leads them to shun the spiritual way of life at every point in time. However the fact that they fail to realize is that true spirituality is always practical in nature and it always advocates a prudent way of life.

25-Apr-2006 04:05, Canon Canon EOS 20D, 5.0, 45.0mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 400


Prudence necessarily means a sense of understanding of the worldly ways of life. The reason why I say that spirituality advocates prudence is owing to the fact that an individual can never gain salvation from the recursive human existence, unless he is absolved of all his karmic ties. These karmic ties are the ones that bind him to the worldly existence and the only way to absolve them is through prudence. To put it simply, prudence is knowing what to do; when to do it and how to do it.

An individual can start exercising prudence in his life by imbibing certain simple steps. Often the individual is caught in a paradoxical situation wherein he is forced to make a choice between idealism and practicality. In such situation it is always best to dispassionately judge both lines of action to determine what way is in the best interest of yourself and those around you. Herein your prudence comes pretty handy. Imagine a scenario wherin you need to lie to someone. Now you know that lying is essentially a “bad” thing to do; and yet you realize that if you lie just this once, that one lie would be influencing many lives in a positive way. In such a situation it is always best to go ahead and take the practical choice; but at the same, you should be completely prepared for all the backlash that you would receive if that one lie is to be discovered. Such is life. Most of the times, it is a great gamble of sorts; wherein unbeknowst of the results, an indiviudal is forced to take a leap of faith and hope that he lands soft. Such is life…

Many times spiritual seekers, who are in the early stages of development consider worldly life and worldly individuals to be redundant maggots. Often the seeker, intoxicated in the ecstatic bliss of his spiritual escapades, forgets that he too is a part of the worldly equation. Often this delusion leads him to adopt a solitary lifestyle, wherein he stops interacting with people whom he considers to be ‘un-spiritual’. The seeker herein, fails to realize that he is indeed making a grave mistake in acting so. Every seeker must realize that the reason to his physical existence are the karmic ties that he has with his physical body. He has to realize that the karmic ties that he has with other individuals also contribute to further extending the misery of his physical existence. The only way to aboslve those karmic debts is to be a pro-active part of the worldly life that he considers to be an illusion. In such a situation it would prudent for the spiritual seeker to reamin humble and centered in life. Once the seeker realizes that he need not go out of his way to truly make a spiritual effort; that spirituality is something to practised in the daily walks of life, only then will he come out of that deluded way of life.

Ultimately it is important to realize that in order to be successful spiritually, you need to satisfy all your worldly reponsibilities. Only then will the doors to the spirit world open for you. Thus in the worldly way of life as a seeker strives to achieve his goals, exercising prudence and discretion would go a long way in ensuring success.

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  • By Umesh, February 27, 2010 @ 11:59 am

    Good Artice. A person decision has an positive and negative effect on an organization, team he works, his family and himself. How one should give priority in term of positive impact(benefit) of his decision. Does organizition comes first than an individual. Does one should not see his benefit first?

  • By admin, March 10, 2010 @ 11:17 am

    About the organization, i wont say much, for nearly all corporate organizations are evil, (literally…lol) but as far as interacting with other people is concerned, you have to dispassionately judge the entire situation to gauge as to whose need is most valid. That will go a long way in helping you do the right thing

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