The Joy of Our Lives

There are points in our life that are simply exhilirating beyond the scope of expression. There are times in our life when we are so full fof joy that every single breath we take is filled with happiness and unending mirth. Ultimately these are the moments for which we live through our lives. The moments in which we are so completely overcoem with joy that we lose all sense of regret, fear and discontent. Life, in reality is nothing but a streak of misery that is highlighted by flashes of joy. The true wrorth of our lives is realized in those few fleeting moments. A true spiritualist ultimately aims at converting these few moments into an experience that would last for eternity. In doing so, he unknowingly inspires many other lives as well; bringing joy and laughter to them.

There are few such people in this wretched world that can be truly regarded as harbingers of joy. There are few who have to power to inspire such divine ecstasy within mere humans such as us. They may be saints, artists, entertainers or philosophers; but the mere fact that they are able to bring joy to someone else’s life through their work is something that takes them to an altogether different plane of spiritual existence. Though few of these people fall into the category of being “spiritual”, as the world refers to it, the fact that they are great souls can never be denied. A perfect example of such an individual was indeed Michael Jackson. Now don’t take me wrong; Michael was in no way a saint. He was a human being much like the rest of us. However the boundless joy and ecstasy that his creations injected into the lives of countless around the world was truly worth reckoning. He was a troubled indiviudal both in life and in death. Yet the creations that spurred out of this enigmatic genius were ones that induced great joy in those that beheld them. Thus owing to the fact that so much joy and happiness was spread in this world through the medium of his creations, he became the unknowing recipient of the blessings of countless souls.

Much in the same way, any individual who on his accord becomes the joy of other people’s lives; inspiring them, encouraging them and inducing in them the unconquerable feeling of hope and faith is ultimately baptized as God’s divine child. He forever finds a special place in God’s holy kingdom. However the innate human nature that sticks to such a soul much like a leech, hampers its flight in the endless skies of divinity. Thus it can often be seen that the personal lives of such great inspirers is often one filled with great grief and unimaginable pain. Such is the abject bipolarity of their wretched existence that they can never ever experience the joy that they bring to the lives of countless others.

Thus ultimately we come to the point of the matter. Joy. Joy is much like light in this world. Much like darkness is the absence of light, in the same way sorrow is absence of joy. When the light goes out in a room, it is filled with darkness; much in the same way when joy departs from this world, it’s people are engulfed in sorrow. Thus we finally cognize the true worth of that joy; when it is no more with us. Such is the travesty that surrounds these timeless individuals who live for other’s joy, in their lives the world forever chooses to be coy; but in death is their priceless worth realized; as in afterthought the world thus surmised. Michael Jackson was but one individual. There have been many before him and there will be many more yet to come; humans that in one way or other give us a glimpse of God through the medium of their creations; beacons of light and inspiration that fill our lives with joy giving us the taste of ultimate bliss and supreme ecstasy…

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