The Last Pilgrimage Cover Art…

The Last Pilgrimage by Ajinkya Mate catapults one in a divine experience for it is not simply a story, but a real expression of a soul’s spiritual journey and the subtle relationship between a master and his disciple going beyond time immemorial. Its the story of the overflowing love of a master who returns again and again searching for his disciple with the ultimate goal of creating a ‘Master’ like himself. It is a story of the agony and complexities of human life, the relationships and the freewill that each of us has, to shape our destiny.

The ‘Last Pilgrimage’ unfolds as do the petals of a flower with the warmth of the sun, riveting our attention as we flow through the story, unconsciously self identifying with one of the three characters. That is the beauty of this unique creation as only through these three individuals, it makes us aware of the dilemma faced by all those who earnestly tread on this spiritual journey and the pitfalls encountered by the One undertaking it…

Of all the journeys that you undertake in life, your last one shall be within yourself…

Divinity finds a form as a soul finds its expression in this work of art…

Its Here!


  • By Atul Bhate, October 5, 2009 @ 4:20 pm

    That one desires will be bestowed to him.. someday or the other …the day not meant here to be with the conventional definition of human life .The day here signifies some point of time in future ..maybe in this life or those beyond.

    its therefore important to come to a conclusion of what do we really desire with surgical precision, and the Master helps you to arrive at the conclusion.

    Therefore the cover art is an expression of expectation reflected beautifully on the face of the seeker – the young lad , and the serene but confident look of the Master assuring the young lad of the fulfillment of his expectations .

    Amazngly beautiful



  • By admin, October 6, 2009 @ 2:16 pm

    Thats true indeed. Desires are ultimately thoughts which take form of energy pulses that emanate from the human mind. They surround the individual and form an inherent part of his aura (energy flux)… in the end all desires end up being unrequited and unconsummated energy pulses that keep encircling the individual, further leading him down the road of misery. The ablation of all desires, thus remains the only way to seek eternal bliss…:)

  • By Umesh Bhat, October 6, 2009 @ 6:53 pm

    comments by Atul and Ajinkya makes me to think. The real way for ablation of desires is to observe the thought process.How the thought takes its shap. How mind makes everything to fulfill the desire that generates out of the thought.

  • By Himalaya Shelar, October 7, 2009 @ 9:26 pm

    Ajinkyadada very good keep it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • By medha, October 13, 2009 @ 11:38 am

    Well said Atul! Everytime you see the coverart, It gives you a different perception. I find a seeker, tired with his worldly fights, fight for survival in this mundane world. He is sick of fighting his own blood relations for his identity crisis.He has wasted all his time & energy in proving his worth to these greedy & selfcentred people who though closely related to him are least bothered about his happiness.He wants to give up everything in frustration & find solace as well as peace of mind.He is gazing towards the sky,Oh!God,please help me!.He indeed looks tired & defeated.Heis so drainedthat he is unable to do anything for his own upliftment, to reach The God, though he wishes really hard for it.Ifind the GOD with utmost concern & love.Love for his child even though the child has failed him as he forgot his origin, as he forgot the purpose of his journey, wasted the energy,power,virtues given by God in this mundane world.The defeated child or the seeker has come to him seeking his help.Still the God is not angry with the child but is trying to help him. He is tying harder than the seeker who needs the help.So I think this cover art portrays the unconditional love &kindness of God for his children.

  • By anuradha, October 14, 2009 @ 5:20 pm

    The whole concept is very beautiful.The cover is also wellconceived. The expressions on the face of the seeker is like of a small child who looks at his parent with trust and love, and that of the God is like a mother, who gives unconditional love and support to her child.I feel the relationship between God and the seeker is like a relationship between a mother and her child.Welldone Ajinkya.

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