Peace, Satisfaction & Life

I have always been meaning to write about this subject; but somehow never got down to it. Maybe it was that I was never actually ready to write about it in the first place. There are some things in life that you get to know only by experiencing them; this is one of those things. Often it happens that there remains a void between the practical side of things and the philosophical. Prudent is the man who knows when to be practical and when to be philosophical.

Spirituality is naught but an understanding of this subtle art of living. In life we often see that life hardly ever turns out the way we envision it to be. Often we find that life at times surprises us at every point, as we wander aimlessly through its varied and twisted turns. However the one fact that often stands out is that in the end, life gives us that which we desire; it gives us that which we need the most.

Again, there are subtle differences between what you want and what you need; there is a popular saying that states it almost perfectly. God shall give you what you need; but not all that you want. That is simply owing to the fact that desire itself forms the driving force that in a way sustains life. Without desire, without incompleteness, there would be no life; it is in a way ironic, but most of the times, life starts out as a journey towards completion.

However many of you would be knowing that it hardly ever ends in completeness; for if it would, why would we be here in the first place? Why would I be writing this? Why would you be reading this? The answers to all those questions is but one; that we are all woefully incomplete; that we are all in search of consummation and happiness; but above all we are all in search of satisfaction.

Then again, satisfaction is one thing that is quite elusive in itself. I mean of all the mystics who have roamed these lands, there have been few who have been able to clearly elucidate on the ways to attain satisfaction; hardly any of us are ever able to unearth that secret and reveal that mystery. What on earth would satisfy the unending thirst of human desire? But then again, we come back right where we had started off; should we finally be satisfied, should the waters finally stand still in the tumultuous and roaring seas of life, would we be truly at peace? Would we truly love that existence? An existence with no desires…

That again is a question that I ask myself and the answers I confess to be more deluding than anything else. The answer is that man never truly seeks for satisfaction; he only ever seeks for happiness, that he desires to find in success; success that he hopes to find in the mundane desires of this world; the desires which once again lead him towards incompleteness thus completely rendering his search for true bliss pointless. Such is life… the moment you start searching for completeness, it renders that search incomplete, for in that search itself it leaves you desiring and craving for the things that can never truly grant you bliss. Such is life. I muse to myself and ask of the lord, how would a man be truly at peace… and the reason is that he just has to be at peace; he has to believe and he has to trust. At one point, man just needs to sublimate into his existence and not pursue it like a hungry hound.

Then you shall realize that there is no incompleteness left, because there is no search for completeness; there is no search, for you find that completeness within yourself; only when you stop to seek for the same; you find it bloom from your midst like a flower in the spring, bringing with itself unending joy and ceaseless mirth. Such an existence is truly a blessed one and one that is coveted by thousands… yet hardly few ever live it…

Simply put, life is to be lived and not to be filled; for the more you seek to fill it, the emptier shall it be; within yourself shines the brightest light and within yourself exists the darkest night. What you shall embrace is upto thee, for the burden of thy choice lies on thee …

May the Lord light our ways with peace, wisdom and eternal bliss… Amen.

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  • By medha, March 4, 2011 @ 7:23 pm

    A long awaited article!,& a good one too !

  • By manjusha, March 8, 2011 @ 5:29 pm

    vey well written. thanks a lot and keep it up.

  • By manjusha, March 9, 2011 @ 2:21 pm

    very nice article. I am very happy that it started again. keep it up.

  • By Umesh, March 13, 2011 @ 2:00 pm

    Excellent Article! good to see that articles started again.

  • By Umesh, March 13, 2011 @ 2:14 pm

    this article gives differnt angle, we look at satisfaction.
    the sentance in the article says “At one point, man just needs to sublimate into his existence and not pursue it like a hungry hound”, this sentance is crux of the article. does it mean that one needs to be prodent in life, what is needs and what is desire.

    are you sayting that there is nothing called incompleteness, its all how one should look at life?

  • By admin, March 13, 2011 @ 8:09 pm

    yes that is correct.. Incompleteness comes out of dissatisfaction and regret. Ultimately we should get to a position where we feel no regret at all. no matter what happens in life..

  • By Tehkseven, August 18, 2011 @ 4:08 am

    I absolutely loved the last paragraph, beautiful, did you write it?

  • By admin, August 18, 2011 @ 5:54 pm

    ya i did..:) thanks. good to know that you liked it.

  • By Pat, October 19, 2011 @ 7:06 am

    Good points. God has promised to meet our needs, but not our wants as you said. Regarding satisfaction as an elusive thing that can be taken many ways. We are to be content with what we have, yet we are to continue to strive for better things. In other words, be satisfied and unsatisfied at the same time. Do not desire material possessions, but do not be content with where you are in life, seek to do more, help more, live more. I hope these thoughts are in tune with what you were saying. – Pat

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