Posts tagged: dissertation

Chapter 9: “Spiritual Quotient”

26-May-2007 20:18, NIKON CORPORATION NIKON D70, 10.0, 60.0mm, 0.013 sec, ISO 500


In the ninth chapter of the Satsang series Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of an individual’s spiritual quotient. Often times, our ability to stay contented and happy in life depends on our spiritual quotient. But what is the spiritual quotient comprised of? How can we develop our spiritual quotient? What are the advantages of a high spiritual quotient? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers.

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The Other Side of Me

A human being is a complex organism. There are several facets and multiple undercurrents to his personality. This is essentially owing to the fact that the human being has evolved from countless incarnations of life and death. This evolution not only constitutes the physical process, but the spiritual one as well. As the human being evolves through time, with every single incarnation, he starts acquiring some specific traits which are native to the human existence. The human existence which is inherently bipolar in its very essence thus embellishes the spirit with its characteristic traits that in the end constitute the personality of the human being.

04-Apr-2009 17:57, Canon Canon PowerShot A530, 2.6, 5.8mm, 0.05 sec


The reason why I so humbly state the abject bipolarity of the human existence is owing to the fact that every human being has very diverse desires in his life. On one hand he is always bound to his instincts and his impulses. On the other hand, he always feels that he needs to seek a more loftier purpsoe in life than aimless fornications. Thus at the same time, there are parallel streams of desire that run in a human being. He wants the both the extremes with great passion and thus many times, this creates a paradox within his personality, wherein he is plagued by these diametrically opposite desires.

Now the human being, upon discovering the aforementioned fact realizes that essentially, the world would not accept him for who he is. Though he is aware of the fact that every single human being in this world is a two-faced, bipolar parasite; he is afraid to show that indeed he himself is one. This further leads him to categorically deny one facet of his split personality. What this means is that he just starts to ignore a side of himself. He may secretly indulge in it periodically, but he is never ready to accept it as a part of his own persona.

Acceptance is crucial for any change. Man can never change unless and until he accepts reality completely. He has to do so with no shed of regret, shame or despondency. Acceptance is the first step towards recovery. This is essentially where the true spiritualist comes into the picture. A true spiritualist is always aware of all the facets of his personality. He knows that they are a part of him and that he cannot simply deny it. At the same time, he is aware of his own shortcomings. He knows what part of his personality is creative and what part is not. Thus upon accepting himself with no shed of regret, shame or sadness, he then makes every possible attempt to ensure that he acts in a way that is ultimately producitve and creative. He ensure that his acts are always in the greater good of himself and those around him.

The aforementioned stage of spiritual evolution is quite hard to accomplish in one’s life. Most individuals often crack under pressure and expose themselves to the hypocritic society. This form of confessionary social suicide accomplishes nothing in the way of overall progress and satisfaction (*cough* Tiger Woods *cough*). Thus the point to realize is that the world need not see your real face. It is important that you see it for yourself. For once you see it and realize your complete self; efforts can be made to progress effectively. Thus in this way you would be able to enrich that part of yourself which is creative, productive and divine; while shedding of the part that is essentially self-centered, conspiratory and humane…

“The way to be free is to realize the other side of me…”

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Episode 2: “Conquer Fear”

Fear is the primary adversary in any war. If at the onset of the war an individual is afraid of his enemy, he can never win the war. Thus in the war to conquer our own weaknesses, we must inherently shed the fear of the same. Fear induces frailty and frailty ensures failure…and in the war of life, failure is not an option. How can we truly surmount our fears? How can we truly show courage in the face of impending doom? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…

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Episode 1: The Onset

In the maiden episode of the Conquer It series, we give a brief overview of what the series is all about. The oft-used cliché that life is a war finds a whole new meaning in this series of audio epistles. YES! Life indeed is a war, but most of the times, it is war that you wage against your own weaknesses; for in the end, your weaknesses keep you from achieving superlatively in all walks of life. How can one truly surmount these undesirable factors? How can one truly conquer his weaknesses? Listen to the following audio epistle to find the answer…

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Conquer It!

01-Jan-2010 23:37


Life is always meant to be a success story. No matter what a man desires, what he does, what he accomplishes, the final motive of life is to make it an event of enduring success. In his quest to obtain irrevocable success in life, man is often faced with multitude challenges. While much opposition to his strife comes from the obstacles that he faces in the world, his greatest adversary is none other than himself. Man in his bid to achieve enduring success is alway hampered by the weaknesses that he bears in his heart. The weaknesses that keep him from realizing his true potential; a catastrophe that ultimately keeps him from achieving superlative success in life.

Life is a war…and many times its a war that you wage with your own self… an endless strife to achieve perfection in life. The Conquer It! series simply gives an expression to that inner strife. This series will feature practical and frugal tips to overcome the fundamental problems that plague man. Fear, Insecurity, Depression, Laziness, Fatigue… the list is endless. Now we provide the solution to absolve it; to overcome it; to Conquer It!


Conquer It Series Finale.

This week we finally cap off the Conquer It Series with a discussion on what the human life is all about. Human beings are at the top of the evolutionary ladder; but where do we go from thereon? Where does our spiritual journey truly culminate? Through the days, we have talked about ways to achieve greatness. Today we but summarize all that we have discussed through out this series. Today we simply remember and acknowledge the entire scope of our wondrous journey as human beings…listen now!

Episode 14: Conquer Distrust

In this episode of the Conquer It series, we discuss ways in which we can overcome doubt and distrust. Trust is a very important factor on the spiritual path. It also plays a great role in any worldly achievements. Trust in nothing but unconditional faith. It is faith in its purest forms. The greatest of achievements are realized only with unshaken faith. Today we learn ways in which we can preserve this genuine attribute in our heart. Today we learn as to why trust is imperative on the path that leads to success. Today we conquer the doubt that lingers within our hearts…listen now!

Episode 13: Conquer Corruption

Today we discuss an issue that is an inherent part of all our personalities. Our mind which dictates the course of our actions is often prone to inner corruption. Corruption comes in form of unneeded desires that divert the mind and make us lose our focus. The one key to truly achieve enduring superlative success is to keep the mind away from corruption; Easier said than done…! How can we keep the mind focused? How can we ensure that it stays centered and oriented towards its true purpose? How can we conquer the corruption that lies within?…listen now!

Episode 12: “Conquer Temptations”

Temptations are momentary impulses that arise from human instincts. They are indeed so overbearing that engulfed in their midst, man can indeed think of nothing else. Temptations often lead to the ultimate downfall of any human being. The reason being that they are nothing but instinctive impulses and to satiate those impulses, man foregos all bonds of friendship and brotherhood. Throughout history great men have fallen to the traps of temptations. How can we ensure that we remain free from them? How can we ensure that we can achieve enduring superlative success? How can we conquer our temptations?…listen now!

Episode 11: “Conquer Mediocrity”

Mediocrity is the single greatest threat to achieving success. Mediocrity is entirely comprised of instinctive impulses which are drawn from baser desires. A mediocre person can hardly ever think out of the box; hence achieving enduring superlative success always remains beyond his scope. We are always prone to succumb to mediocre desires because they demand negligible efforts on our part…listen now!

Episode 10: “Conquer Complacency”

In our quest to achieve enduring superlative success, we often find that at times we don’t really feel motivated to do our best. Many times, we simply feel that we would be better off living a sedentary lifestyle. The reason behind this deceptive sense of satisfaction is complacency. Many times, we feel contented and satisfied despite under-performing in a given situation. This essentially happens owing to the fact that we are completely unaware of our true capabilities. Hence complacency in a way truly keeps us from realizing our true potential. How can we overcome it? How can we ensure enduring superlative success? How can we conquer complacency? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Episode 9: “Conquer Depression”

Many times, human existence is characterized by the pitfalls and quagmires that it presents to the individual. Many times it so happens that engulfed in the sorrow derived from recurrent failures, the individual finds no hope of salvation. This essentially leads to a depressive state of mind, wherein the individual concerned becomes engulfed in negativity. Depression can never achieve anything. It can only lead us to death and destruction. How can we overcome this depression? How can we truly rise above it? How can we conquer it? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now.

Episode 8: “Conquer Fatigue”
Often in life we find that we are just unable to attain our goals and fulfill our dreams. Many times, we just dont find the energy to keep going against the tide. Many times our resolve fails us as we falter in our quest to achieve enduring superlative success. This is essentially owing to the fact that we are tired. As we life through the rat-race of life, we often feel at a loss of energy and stamina. Often the work-load and the irrational deadlines take an adverse toll on our health. Consequently we are unable to perform at an optimum level of productivity. We simply can’t enjoy what we do. How can we truly overcome this setback? How can we truly be rejuvenated? How can we truly conquer fatigue?…listen now!

Episode 7: “Conquer Laziness”
In this part of the Conquer It series, we discuss different ways through which we can conquer laziness. Many times we are ever unaware of the fact that we are indeed being lazy while dispensing some of our duties. We never understand the fact that we indeed lose upon many opportunities in life owing to our laziness. Often we disregard our laziness to be a nominal vice; and not something that necessarily affects our quest for success in an adverse way. It is only later that we realize the gravity of the situation. How can we conquer laziness? How can we ensure continued productivity? How can we truly achieve enduring success? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Episode 6: “Conquer Illusions”
Perception is Reality…or is it? In this episode of the Conquer It! series we question our perceptions thus. Often we find that the greatest obstacles that stand in our way to achieve enduring success are the illusions that we bear about life. Often when we fail to get a correct overview of situations that we are in, we encounter persisting failure. Thus many times, our inability to accept reality the way it is, results in our downfall. How can we change this? How can we uplift ourselves from our deluded perceptions? How can we conquer the illusions that forever cloud our discerning intellect? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Episode 5: “Conquer Doubt”
Doubt essentially arises owing to a lack of faith on part of the individual. When the individual starts doubting his own heart, it necessarily spells doom for his quest to achieve superlative success. One can only succeed in life if he truly believes in himself. We as individuals have to realize that there is nothing that can be accomplished without faith. Yet as we live through our lives, at times we are forced to doubt ourselves and then God in turn. We are compelled by circumstances to incessantly question our own capabilities. At times this leads us to have a pessimistic attitude towards life. How can we truly rise above that pessimism? How can we truly overcome our insecurity? How can we truly conquer our doubts? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now

Episode 4: “Conquer Anxiety”
Anxiety is defined as a perpetual state of worry and nervousness. Many times in life, we get anxious for no particular reason at all. We fail to realize the fact that our anxiousness is only because of our heightened sentiment of fear and insecurity. Anxiety does not resolve anything. You can be as anxious as you want to be, but your sentiments won’t have any effect on the results. Yet anxiety is an undesirable trait, because when we become anxious we start becoming pessimist and we lose all hope and faith. Thus we fall into an endless stream of depression. How can we truly overcome this weakness? How can we truly rise from our perpetual state of nervousness? How can we truly conquer anxiety? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!


Episode 3: “Conquer Adversity”
Adversity is a state of misfortune or affliction. In life, we are often faced with situations, wherein we truly believe that we can never ever win through. At times life takes us through a series of unfortunate events that we think inevitably end in disaster. At times we lamen our misofortune and times we curse our fates; yet we fail to realize that we have within ourselves, the power to conquer that adversity. We have within ourselves the courage to break any and all barriers that stand in the midst. How can we accomplish that? How can we truly conquer adversity? How can we win through in this war of life? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Episode 2: “Conquer Fear”

Fear is the primary adversary in any war. If at the onset of the war an individual is afraid of his enemy, he can never win the war. Thus in the war to conquer our own weaknesses, we must inherently shed the fear of the same. Fear induces frailty and frailty ensures failure…and in the war of life, failure is not an option. How can we truly surmount our fears? How can we truly show courage in the face of impending doom? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Episode 1: The Onset

In the maiden episode of the Conquer It series, we give a brief overview of what the series is all about. The oft-used cliché that life is a war finds a whole new meaning in this series of audio epistles. YES! Life indeed is a war, but most of the times, it is war that you wage against your own weaknesses; for in the end, your weaknesses keep you from achieving superlatively in all walks of life. How can one truly surmount these undesirable factors? How can one truly conquer his weaknesses? Listen to the following audio epistle to find the answer…listen now!

Illustrations: Radha, Boris, Jinx

Chapter 2: “True Bhaava”

In the second chapter of the Satsang series of audio epistles, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of true bhaava. Bhaava or feeling is one of the most important factors in the spiritual growth of any seeker. In the following epistle, Rutugandha narrates the compiled dissertation of Shree Milindji Moghe as he elucidates and elaborates on this key concept…

P.S. The audio snippet is in Marathi interspersed with Hindi. We shall be providing you with the English transcript. Expect it on Wednesday.

Also see True Bhaava in Articles.

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“Food for Thought”

The spiritual quest is a journey that necessarily deals with the soul. Yet the fact remains that in this mortal world, our soul is identified by the physical body that we bear. Hence all spiritual processes are executed through that body. In this twelfth chapter of the “Guiding Lights” video discourse series, the master sheds light on certain myths that surround food and spirituality. He elucidates on the concept of fasting and further expands upon the discussion by giving an informative dissertation on the role that food plays in a seeker’s spiritual quest…

Video Produced by Silentium Productions Pvt. Ltd.

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True Satsang

Satsang is probably one of the most misunderstood concepts in modern-day spirituality. In today’s world of consumerism, when people are on the constant look-out for quick fix solutions to their destructive way of life, any form of satsang comes as a reprieve. But the question that every true spiritualist must incessantly ask is whether he in truly indulging in the correct form of satsang; for in today’s day and age the term satsang has been grossly manipulated and deviated to suit the tastes of capitalist organizations that are bent upon making a quick buck out of people’s qualms. So indeed what does true satsang constitute?

Satsang literally means good company. So in reality, when a group of like-minded people come together in a bid to meditate and reflect upon the intricacies of life, it becomes a satsang. A satsang can constitute anything, from simple meditative exercises to chanting. Even varied forms of entertainment can be included in a satsang. However these art-forms should necessarily lead the seeker to a greater truth; for the realization of that ultimate truth is the real motive of satsang. True satsang never takes the form of any random social gathering. It is not a place to congregate and discuss your business goals. Neither is it a place to try and make new friends; or new enemies for that matter! Satsang is simply a collective effort to try and know the reality behind the illusion of life; try and find the true gist of life; an endeavor to find the true self. Hence every individual who attends the satsang must attend it with the sole motive of self-realization.

So if satsang is ultimately centered on the ‘self’, then why is it necessarily an activity that is carried out in a group? The answer to that question lies in the fact that man on his own accord can hardly accomplish anything. The mind of the average person is fickle and hence is easily deviated from the main goal. Hence to prevent this, people congregate in mass to try and reach a common end. This facilitates many different factors at the same time. When people worship, pray or meditate in mass, their energies get congregated and amplified. Owing to such amplification it creates a very strong energy field amongst the people who are participating in the satsang. Thus within that energy field, each and every individual starts to reach the same truth inwardly. Owing to the presence of such a potent energy field, the mind remains steady and resolute. Thus there is little interference from within the individual’s own self. This necessarily makes him more receptive to the knowledge and the realization that is to be gained from that respective form of meditation, chanting or prayer.

In the end, a person who regularly practices satsang can see its progressive effect on his own life. All the human weaknesses of despair, regret and desperation slowly start to wilt away as the seeker remains constantly in connection with the supreme divine entity. The constant energy field that surrounds the seeker in his regular satsang induces a great change in him. In the end he is left with no insecurities and no fear in his life, for through the power of true satsang, he starts to experience God within himself. Thus does satsang ultimately lead him towards his own inner kingdom of divinity; as the seeker exalts in supreme ecstasy and ultimate joy…

Chapter 1. “True Satsang” in Audio
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Chapter 1: “True Satsang”

29-Apr-2006 19:15, Canon Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL, 5.6, 55.0mm, 0.017 sec, ISO 100


In the maiden chapter of the Satsang series here on the tlp weblog, Rutugandha recounts the tale of the day when the master spoke of the importance of Satsang. In this audio epistle, he gives a beautiful rendition of the teachings of Shree Milindji Moghe as he sheds light on what true Satsang means. How can an individual practice true Satsang? What is its importance? How can he truly gain the grace of God? Listen the following audio snippet to find the answers.

P.S. The audio snippet is in Marathi interspersed with Hindi. We shall be providing you with the English transcript. Expect it on Wednesday.

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P.P.S. True Satsang- Article.


15-Dec-2009 00:52


Satsang is new series of audio epistles here on the tlp weblog. “Satsang” is a series of audio dissertations given by the revered master Shree Milndji Moghe & compiled and recited by Rutugandha.


Chapter 12: “Emotional Quotient”

In the season finale of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of emotional quotient and the effects that it has on a seeker’s spiritual growth. Man is always bound by his emotions; riding the waves of his impulses. When we take any decision solely based on our emotions, we end up making a grave mistake. How can we ensure that we can remain practical and object-oriented in life? At the same time, how can we make sure that we don’t turn into heartless machine? For the answers to all these questions and many more, listen to the following audio snippet…listen now!

Chapter 11: “Physical Quotient”

Our physical body represents us in our physical existence. The spiritual journey is a long and arduous one. We cannot hope to make it till the end, unless we are physically capable to do so. Our physical body has a great significance in our spiritual journey. In this penultimate episode of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day, when the master spoke of the importance of physical quotient in the overall spiritual growth of any seeker. What does physical quotient truly mean? Why is it so important to our spiritual journey? How can we increase it? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Chapter 10: “Intelligence Quotient”

Many times we hear the word intelligent quotient used in the sense of intellectual benchmarking. There are many tests out there that help determine a person’s IQ. The fact that they come nowhere close to determining his true intelligence is an entirely different issue. Point of the matter is that it is indeed very hard to determine an individual’s intelligence based on some tests. It is even harder to state what intelligence truly means. In this episode of the Satsang series Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of true intelligence and ways in which it is conducive to our spiritual growth…listen now!

Chapter 9: “Spiritual Quotient”

In the ninth chapter of the Satsang series Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of an individual’s spiritual quotient. Often times, our ability to stay contented and happy in life depends on our spiritual quotient. But what is the spiritual quotient comprised of? How can we develop our spiritual quotient? What are the advantages of a high spiritual quotient? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Chapter 8: “Prudence”

In the following audio epistle, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of the importance of prudence in daily life. Prudence essentially means discretion in practical situations. In this worldly life, one has to choose his battles wisely. He has to fight in places where he knows that he can win; and try and elude the traps wherein he knows that he cannot hope to win. In the worldly rat race, prudence is indeed a great factor that determines whether an individual becomes successful or not. How can we effectively implement such prudence in our daily life? Listen to the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!

Chapter 7: “Action and Reaction”
Our life is often comprised of endless streaks of action and reaction. Incidentally, most of human karma takes place owing to the incessant need to give a reaction to every action that comes our way. In the seventh chapter of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day, when the master spoke of this destructive karmic cycle. Shree Milindji Moghe also elucidates on the ways in which we can get out of this incessant streak of action and reaction…listen now!

Chapter 6: “The Ideal Lifestyle”
In the sixth chapter of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of ways in which a seeker can lead the ideal lifestyle. The human life is often an intermingled journey that traverses both the spiritual and the mundane worlds. Many times the seeker can get deluded between the diametric polarities of these two factors. However there are some simple things that the seeker can implement in his life to make it all the more easier for him to walk on the spiritual path. In the following audio epistle Rutugandha elucidates on these epistles…listen now.

Chapter 5: “Stress and Boredom”
In today’s world when an individual hardly gets any time for recreation and rejuvenation, stress and boredom pose a great problem. In this chapter Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of worldly stress and ways to overcome boredom. What is boredom? Why does it set it? How can one truly overcome it?…listen now.

Chapter 4: “Productivity”

The common perception of any spiritual person is that he is non-productive. This delusional perception leads people to believe that spirituality essentially turns people into non-achievers. However this is not the case. In this chapter of the Satsang series, Rutugandha recalls the day when the master spoke of the importance of productivity in the spiritual journey of any seeker…listen now!

Chapter 3: “Life and Karma

In the third chapter of the Satsang series of audio epistles, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of the correct way to live, in the process giving overview of the connection that exists between human life and human karma. In the following epistle, Rutugandha narrates the compiled dissertation of Shree Milindji Moghe as he elucidates and elaborates on this key concept…listen now!

Chapter 2: “True Bhaava”

In the second chapter of the Satsang series of audio epistles, Rutugandha recounts the day when the master spoke of true bhaava. Bhaava or feeling is one of the most important factors in the spiritual growth of any seeker. In the following epistle, Rutugandha narrates the compiled dissertation of Shree Milindji Moghe as he elucidates and elaborates on this key concept…listen now

Chapter 1: “True Satsang”

In the maiden chapter of the Satsang series here on the tlp weblog, Rutugandha recounts the tale of when the day when the master spoke of the importance of Satsang. In this audio epistle, he gives a beautiful rendition of the teachings of Shree Milindji Moghe as he sheds light on what true Satsang means. How can an individual practice true Satsang? What is its importance? How can he truly gain the grace of God? Listen the following audio snippet to find the answers…listen now!


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